The Co-Op Model
The cooperative model creates a learning environment that inspires children and adults to discover, create, learn and grow together. Our philosophy is based on the belief that parents play an integral role in their child’s educational experience. This direct involvement promotes confidence, increases a child’s self-esteem, encourages a love of learning, and nurtures a positive attitude regarding a child’s first educational experience.
As a cooperative preschool we are a non-profit education program owned and operated by parent members, administered by a parent board of directors and licensed by the state of Michigan.
Assisting/Job Assignments
One to three parents assist the teacher in the classroom each day. Assist parents help set up; supervise art projects, gross motor activities and play; provide snacks and clean up.
Parents typically assist 3-4 times in an 8 week period. The parent who is assigned “class scheduler” will reach out to all parents of their class to ask for requests for days to or not to assist during the 8 week schedule they are making.
In addition to classroom assisting, each family is assigned a job to assist with the operation of the school. Examples of jobs include: garden maintenance, socials coordinator, class (assist parent) scheduler, playdoh maker, and health coordinator.
Required Activities
All members are required to attend/participate in:
- Parent Orientation: Parent Orientation is mandatory before parents or caregivers can assist in the classroom. Orientation is held in early September. If a parent enrolls a child after school has begun, they must meet with the Events and Information Chairperson before assisting in the classroom.
- One cleaning bee per year: Cleaning bees reduce the spread of contamination and keep the TCCP classroom neat and organized.
- Monthly board meetings are required for board members and optional for other members.
- Spring general membership meeting is required for board members; all parents are encouraged to attend.
Social Activities
TCCP seeks to offer parents on-going opportunities to learn about early childhood education and development to enhance their skills as parents. Previous activities have included: Kindergarten Readiness Night, An evening with Heather Schumaker, author of “It’s Okay NOT to Share”, and The Co-op and Beyond (getting ready for kindergarten)
Field Trips
The co-op tries to plan 1-2 field trips per year. Parents are able to attend the field trip with their child, or drop their child off at the designated field trip location and pick up when the field trip is over. Parents are required to pay for their child, themselves, and siblings if they are attending the field trip.
Classroom Parties
Classroom parties are hosted by our teacher several times per year. Parents are NOT required to attend these parties, but are invited to each of them. The holiday’s that are celebrated are Halloween, Valentines Day, Donuts with Dudes, Muffins with Misses, & Graduation on the last day of school.
Fall Family Fun Night
Live music, face painting, games, crafts, pumpkin decorating and more, in addition to appetizers, apples doughnuts and cider. Open to all members, alumni and friends.
Spring Fling
Come celebrate the end of the year at TCCP with food, music, games and crafts. You won’t want to miss the fun!
Fundraising at TCCP consists of a variety of activities and events throughout the year.